If you haven’t been to the dentist in a while, then April is a good time to make an appointment. It’s also Oral Cancer Awareness Month, which is just one reason you should visit our office in Butte, MT.
It’s Better to Know
This year, 54,000 people will learn that they have oral cancer. While no one wants this disease, you are much more likely to treat it if you are aware that you have it.
Early Detection Matters
When oral cancer is found in the early stages, the survival rate is between 80 and 90 percent. When it’s found in the late stages, the survival rate drops to 57 percent.
Get a Checkup to Help Yourself
When you get a dental cleaning at Butte Family Dental, we can conduct an oral cancer screening during your appointment. We will let you know if we see anything you need to know about, so you can contact your family doctor if needed.
Call us today at 406-565-4458 or schedule online.