Don’t Let Fear Get In The Way Of Your Oral Health

Welcome to the Butte family Dental blog!

If you happen to live in the Butte, Montana area, we’d love to see your smiling face in one of our chairs sometime soon. Even if you are apprehensive, we can help alleviate any anxiety you might have. You owe it to yourself to check us out.

Consider this: if you have been putting off the dental care you deserve, you’ve been missing out on quite a lot.

You’ve Been Missing Out On Excellent Dental Care

You haven’t been screened for oral cancer, a silent killer of millions of Americans each year.

You haven’t had a thorough exam to detect any emerging causes for concern such as cavities and gum disease. Instead of fillings or conservative therapies, you could be dealing with root canals, extractions, artificial teeth and so on.

You haven’t received a professional-grade teeth cleaning designed to eradicate any lingering plaque, tartar, bacteria and food particles. That could lead to untold trouble for you before too long.

And you haven’t had the opportunity to add extra layers of protection like dental sealants, fluoride treatments, and so forth. Why wouldn’t you want to take all the precautions available to you?

Right now you may be thinking that’s no big deal, and it may not be in the short run, but over time, your problems will only get worse and they’ll become more costly and difficult to treat effectively. Trust us, we’ve seen it happen time and time again.

Instead of going down a dark road, it makes more sense to find a gentle dentist you can trust to stay in-tune with your ever-evolving needs. But we get it, your dental anxiety is real. That’s why we don’t take it personally, but we do take your fears seriously! And that’s also why we provide a safe and welcoming environment replete with sedation dentistry options for those in need.

Sedation Dentistry Helps You Get The Care You Need

In our office, we can set you up with sedation whenever you need to undergo an invasive procedure or work through your fear of the dentist. There are three types of sedation available, each offering you different levels of relaxation:

Inhalation Sedation: This type of sedation is the most frequently used of the three. It involves the use of nitrous oxide (aka: laughing gas) to normalize your bodily functions and relax you for the dental treatment.

Oral Sedation: If your treatment is non-invasive and you only have mild dental fear, you may settle for an orally administered form of sedation. Our dentist will give you a pill that you have to take prior to your operation. You’ll want to ask a friend to drive you home!

Intravenous Sedation: If your treatment is invasive or you have severe dental fear, you may count on this intravenous sedation to make things easier for you. This form of sedation is administered by injecting the sedative into your bloodstream. The result is immediate and you may relax almost instantly.

Take The Next Step!

If you suffer from dental anxiety but are ready to get your oral health back on track, we’ll make it easy. Just contact Butte Family Dental to schedule your next appointment, and we’ll take care of the rest!